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Institute of Cognitive Science

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Work Culture

We are a young and diverse team working on a broad range of topics. An inclusive working atmosphere, gender equality, and consideration of the needs of young scholars with children are particularly important to us. We sincerely welcome requests for collaborations and invite interested people to reach out and join us , for instance, in our colloquium

Team members

Prof. Dr. Rainer Mühlhoff

Prof. Dr. Rainer Mühlhoff

Rainer’s research on Artificial Intelligence starts from the assumption that Machine Learning Systems are sociotechnical systems (see “Human-Aided AI”). To map out the ethical and societal implications AI technology, he uses different philosophical schools and perspectives to analyze the interplay of technology, power and subjectivation. In particular, he brings together ethics with social philosophy and critical theories to analyse the effects of AI in terms of discrimination, social selection and inequality (see “Automatisierte Ungleicheit”).

A particular research interest is data ethics in the Context of AI and Big Data. These technologies make it possible to predict sensitive information about individuals based on the anonymized data of many other data subjects. This results in a novel, collectively induced invasion of privacy of the individuals concerned, raising new questions of collective responsibility in the digital society. Under the title Predictive Privacy Rainer works on an ethical and regulatory approach to restricting negative impact of predictive analytics.

E-Mail: rainer.muehlhoff /at/

Nora Freya Lindemann

Nora Freya LindemannNora is a research assistant in the Ethics of AI reserach group at the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. Through her M.Sc. in Cognitive Science and her B.A. in Liberal Arts and Sciences, she has a broad, interdisciplinary background in philosophy, ethics, gender studies and cultural studies. In her research, she deals with the ethical implications of AI systems, especially chatbots, on society and questions of whether/how AI can be democratic and fair.
E-Mail: norafreya.lindemann /at/

Paul Schütze

Paul SchützePaul is a research assistant in the Ethics of AI research group at the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. In his research he focuses on the structure and functioning of digital capitalism and its connections to the climate crisis. Particularly, he is interested in the textures of power and subjectivation in the age of Big Data and AI. He has a background in affect studies, philosophy of mind and critical social philosophy.
He is on parental leave until December 2024.
E-Mail: paul.schuetze /at/

Marte Henningsen

Marte HenningsenMarte is a research assistant and a member of the research group 'Ethics and Critical Theories of AI' as a parental leave replacement. She holds a Master's degree in Cognitive Science with a specialisation in Ethics of AI from the University of Osnabrück. Marte also has a technical background through Bachelor's degrees in Computer Science and Computational Engineering and therefore brings a very interdisciplinary perspective to the topics of the research group. Her focus is on the application of feminist and Marxist theories to technology, especially large language models.
Email: marte.henningsen /at/

Jan-Philipp Siebold

Jan-Philipp SieboldJan-Philipp Siebold is a research assistant in the Ethics of AI research group at the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. After finishing his BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences with a specialisation in Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy as well as Cultural and Media studies, he is currently completing his MA in Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin. His research focuses on French Social Philosophy, Critical Theory and Philosophy of Technology with a special interest in power, subjectivity and affectivity in digital media cultures and AI systems.
E-Mail: jan.siebold /at/

Annemarie Witschas

Annemarie WitschasAnnemarie is a Master student in Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück and a student assistant in the Ethics of AI reserach group. Due to her interdisciplinary studies, she has a background in both AI and philosophy. She is particularly interested in the intersection of AI and queer-/feminist theory.
E-Mail: awitschas /at/

Anastasija Kocic

Anastasija KocicAnastasija is a student assistant in the research group Ethics of AI at the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. She studies cognitive science and works on the philosophy of digital society.
E-Mail: akocic /at/

Jonas Niehus

Jonas is a student assistant in the Ethics of AI research group at the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. He has a background in philosophy, education and educational science. In his master's degree, he focuses on artificial intelligence and the ethics of artificial intelligence. In his study project, he is involved in developing a workshop on the ethics of artificial intelligence.

E-Mail: jniehus /at/

Hedye Tayebi Jazayeri

Hedye is a student assistant in the Ethics of AI research group at the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. She is pursuing her Master’s in Cognitive Science, focusing on how philosophical and scientific discourses intersect with questions of social justice. She is particularly interested in the critical examination of AI technologies through a feminist lens.
E-Mail: htayebijazay /at/

Andrea Katz

Andrea KatzAndrea works as a secretary in the Ethics of AI research group. She completed a professionel training in banking and has been working in the administrative service of the Osnabrück University since 2019.
E-Mail: office-muehlhoff /at/