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Joint DFG Research Training School on Situated Cognition

The joint Research Training Group (RTG) is based at Ruhr-University Bochum and Osnabrück University. Methodologically, it connects philosophy of mind and cognition with empirical research in cognitive science. The main goal of the RTG is to identify deficits in traditional conceptions of the human mind and to refine and enhance the existing conceptions by drawing on new developments in cognitive science that have not yet made their way into the prevailing philosophical approaches.

Update: The RTG has received prolongation until May 2026 and will be able to work with a third cohort from 2023 onwards.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Albert Newen
Deputy Speaker: Prof. Dr. Achim Stephan

DFG Research Training Group on Computational Cognition

The Research Training Group on Computational Cognition pursues the re-integration of cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Students in the program are trained in both fields to combine insights from both fields to understand intelligence in humans and machines. Research fields involved in the RTG are Neuroinformatics, Neurobiopsychology, Bio-Inspired Computer Vision, Knowledge-Based Systems, Comparative BioCognition, Cognitive Natural Language Processing & Communication, Cognitive Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Psycho/Neurolinguistics, Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Computing.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gordon Pipa    
Deputy Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Peter König