/***************************************************************************** * subsusf.c : USF subtitles decoder ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000-2006 VLC authors and VideoLAN * $Id: 474212ca5b4cbcd0725e59f05a6d3fcd78ef1bfd $ * * Authors: Bernie Purcell * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /***************************************************************************** * Module descriptor. *****************************************************************************/ static int OpenDecoder ( vlc_object_t * ); static void CloseDecoder ( vlc_object_t * ); #define FORMAT_TEXT N_("Formatted Subtitles") #define FORMAT_LONGTEXT N_("Some subtitle formats allow for text formatting. " \ "VLC partly implements this, but you can choose to disable all formatting.") vlc_module_begin () set_capability( "decoder", 40 ) set_shortname( N_("USFSubs")) set_description( N_("USF subtitles decoder") ) set_callbacks( OpenDecoder, CloseDecoder ) set_category( CAT_INPUT ) set_subcategory( SUBCAT_INPUT_SCODEC ) add_bool( "subsdec-formatted", true, FORMAT_TEXT, FORMAT_LONGTEXT, false ) vlc_module_end () /***************************************************************************** * Local prototypes *****************************************************************************/ enum { ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNMENT = (1 << 0), ATTRIBUTE_X = (1 << 1), ATTRIBUTE_X_PERCENT = (1 << 2), ATTRIBUTE_Y = (1 << 3), ATTRIBUTE_Y_PERCENT = (1 << 4), }; typedef struct { char *psz_filename; picture_t *p_pic; } image_attach_t; typedef struct { char * psz_stylename; /* The name of the style, no comma's allowed */ text_style_t * p_style; int i_align; int i_margin_h; int i_margin_v; int i_margin_percent_h; int i_margin_percent_v; } ssa_style_t; struct decoder_sys_t { int i_original_height; int i_original_width; int i_align; /* Subtitles alignment on the vout */ ssa_style_t **pp_ssa_styles; int i_ssa_styles; image_attach_t **pp_images; int i_images; }; static subpicture_t *DecodeBlock ( decoder_t *, block_t ** ); static char *CreatePlainText( char * ); // FIXME[question]: is this from us? - not used! //static char *CreateSVGText( char * ); static int ParseImageAttachments( decoder_t *p_dec ); static subpicture_t *ParseText ( decoder_t *, block_t * ); static void ParseUSFHeader( decoder_t * ); static subpicture_region_t *ParseUSFString( decoder_t *, char * ); static subpicture_region_t *LoadEmbeddedImage( decoder_t *p_dec, const char *psz_filename, int i_transparent_color ); /***************************************************************************** * OpenDecoder: probe the decoder and return score ***************************************************************************** * Tries to launch a decoder and return score so that the interface is able * to chose. *****************************************************************************/ static int OpenDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { decoder_t *p_dec = (decoder_t*)p_this; decoder_sys_t *p_sys; if( p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_USF ) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* Allocate the memory needed to store the decoder's structure */ if( ( p_dec->p_sys = p_sys = calloc(1, sizeof(decoder_sys_t)) ) == NULL ) return VLC_ENOMEM; p_dec->pf_decode_sub = DecodeBlock; p_dec->fmt_out.i_cat = SPU_ES; p_dec->fmt_out.i_codec = 0; /* init of p_sys */ TAB_INIT( p_sys->i_ssa_styles, p_sys->pp_ssa_styles ); TAB_INIT( p_sys->i_images, p_sys->pp_images ); /* USF subtitles are mandated to be UTF-8, so don't need vlc_iconv */ p_sys->i_align = var_CreateGetInteger( p_dec, "subsdec-align" ); ParseImageAttachments( p_dec ); if( var_CreateGetBool( p_dec, "subsdec-formatted" ) ) { if( p_dec->fmt_in.i_extra > 0 ) ParseUSFHeader( p_dec ); } return VLC_SUCCESS; } /**************************************************************************** * DecodeBlock: the whole thing **************************************************************************** * This function must be fed with complete subtitles units. ****************************************************************************/ static subpicture_t *DecodeBlock( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t **pp_block ) { subpicture_t *p_spu; block_t *p_block; if( !pp_block || *pp_block == NULL ) return NULL; p_block = *pp_block; p_spu = ParseText( p_dec, p_block ); block_Release( p_block ); *pp_block = NULL; return p_spu; } /***************************************************************************** * CloseDecoder: clean up the decoder *****************************************************************************/ static void CloseDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { decoder_t *p_dec = (decoder_t *)p_this; decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; if( p_sys->pp_ssa_styles ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_ssa_styles; i++ ) { if( !p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i] ) continue; free( p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i]->psz_stylename ); text_style_Delete( p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i]->p_style ); free( p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i] ); } TAB_CLEAN( p_sys->i_ssa_styles, p_sys->pp_ssa_styles ); } if( p_sys->pp_images ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_images; i++ ) { if( !p_sys->pp_images[i] ) continue; if( p_sys->pp_images[i]->p_pic ) picture_Release( p_sys->pp_images[i]->p_pic ); free( p_sys->pp_images[i]->psz_filename ); free( p_sys->pp_images[i] ); } TAB_CLEAN( p_sys->i_images, p_sys->pp_images ); } free( p_sys ); } /***************************************************************************** * ParseText: parse an text subtitle packet and send it to the video output *****************************************************************************/ static subpicture_t *ParseText( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; subpicture_t *p_spu = NULL; char *psz_subtitle = NULL; if( p_block->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_CORRUPTED ) return NULL; /* We cannot display a subpicture with no date */ if( p_block->i_pts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "subtitle without a date" ); return NULL; } /* Check validity of packet data */ /* An "empty" line containing only \0 can be used to force and ephemer picture from the screen */ if( p_block->i_buffer < 1 ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "no subtitle data" ); return NULL; } /* Should be resiliant against bad subtitles */ psz_subtitle = strndup( (const char *)p_block->p_buffer, p_block->i_buffer ); if( psz_subtitle == NULL ) return NULL; /* USF Subtitles are mandated to be UTF-8 -- make sure it is */ if (EnsureUTF8( psz_subtitle ) == NULL) { msg_Err( p_dec, "USF subtitles must be in UTF-8 format.\n" "This stream contains USF subtitles which aren't." ); } /* Create the subpicture unit */ p_spu = decoder_NewSubpicture( p_dec, NULL ); if( !p_spu ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "can't get spu buffer" ); free( psz_subtitle ); return NULL; } /* Decode USF strings */ p_spu->p_region = ParseUSFString( p_dec, psz_subtitle ); p_spu->i_start = p_block->i_pts; p_spu->i_stop = p_block->i_pts + p_block->i_length; p_spu->b_ephemer = (p_block->i_length == 0); p_spu->b_absolute = false; p_spu->i_original_picture_width = p_sys->i_original_width; p_spu->i_original_picture_height = p_sys->i_original_height; free( psz_subtitle ); return p_spu; } static char *GrabAttributeValue( const char *psz_attribute, const char *psz_tag_start ) { if( psz_attribute && psz_tag_start ) { char *psz_tag_end = strchr( psz_tag_start, '>' ); char *psz_found = strcasestr( psz_tag_start, psz_attribute ); if( psz_found ) { psz_found += strlen( psz_attribute ); if(( *(psz_found++) == '=' ) && ( *(psz_found++) == '\"' )) { if( psz_found < psz_tag_end ) { int i_len = strcspn( psz_found, "\"" ); return strndup( psz_found, i_len ); } } } } return NULL; } static ssa_style_t *ParseStyle( decoder_sys_t *p_sys, char *psz_subtitle ) { ssa_style_t *p_ssa_style = NULL; char *psz_style = GrabAttributeValue( "style", psz_subtitle ); if( psz_style ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_ssa_styles; i++ ) { if( !strcmp( p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i]->psz_stylename, psz_style ) ) p_ssa_style = p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i]; } free( psz_style ); } return p_ssa_style; } static int ParsePositionAttributeList( char *psz_subtitle, int *i_align, int *i_x, int *i_y ) { int i_mask = 0; char *psz_align = GrabAttributeValue( "alignment", psz_subtitle ); char *psz_margin_x = GrabAttributeValue( "horizontal-margin", psz_subtitle ); char *psz_margin_y = GrabAttributeValue( "vertical-margin", psz_subtitle ); /* -- UNSUPPORTED char *psz_relative = GrabAttributeValue( "relative-to", psz_subtitle ); char *psz_rotate_x = GrabAttributeValue( "rotate-x", psz_subtitle ); char *psz_rotate_y = GrabAttributeValue( "rotate-y", psz_subtitle ); char *psz_rotate_z = GrabAttributeValue( "rotate-z", psz_subtitle ); */ *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM; *i_x = 0; *i_y = 0; if( psz_align ) { if( !strcasecmp( "TopLeft", psz_align ) ) *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_LEFT; else if( !strcasecmp( "TopCenter", psz_align ) ) *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP; else if( !strcasecmp( "TopRight", psz_align ) ) *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_RIGHT; else if( !strcasecmp( "MiddleLeft", psz_align ) ) *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_LEFT; else if( !strcasecmp( "MiddleCenter", psz_align ) ) *i_align = 0; else if( !strcasecmp( "MiddleRight", psz_align ) ) *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_RIGHT; else if( !strcasecmp( "BottomLeft", psz_align ) ) *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_LEFT; else if( !strcasecmp( "BottomCenter", psz_align ) ) *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM; else if( !strcasecmp( "BottomRight", psz_align ) ) *i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_RIGHT; i_mask |= ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNMENT; free( psz_align ); } if( psz_margin_x ) { *i_x = atoi( psz_margin_x ); if( strchr( psz_margin_x, '%' ) ) i_mask |= ATTRIBUTE_X_PERCENT; else i_mask |= ATTRIBUTE_X; free( psz_margin_x ); } if( psz_margin_y ) { *i_y = atoi( psz_margin_y ); if( strchr( psz_margin_y, '%' ) ) i_mask |= ATTRIBUTE_Y_PERCENT; else i_mask |= ATTRIBUTE_Y; free( psz_margin_y ); } return i_mask; } static void SetupPositions( subpicture_region_t *p_region, char *psz_subtitle ) { int i_mask = 0; int i_align; int i_x, i_y; i_mask = ParsePositionAttributeList( psz_subtitle, &i_align, &i_x, &i_y ); if( i_mask & ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNMENT ) p_region->i_align = i_align; /* TODO: Setup % based offsets properly, without adversely affecting * everything else in vlc. Will address with separate patch, to * prevent this one being any more complicated. */ if( i_mask & ATTRIBUTE_X ) p_region->i_x = i_x; else if( i_mask & ATTRIBUTE_X_PERCENT ) p_region->i_x = 0; if( i_mask & ATTRIBUTE_Y ) p_region->i_y = i_y; else if( i_mask & ATTRIBUTE_Y_PERCENT ) p_region->i_y = 0; } static subpicture_region_t *CreateTextRegion( decoder_t *p_dec, char *psz_subtitle, int i_len, int i_sys_align ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; subpicture_region_t *p_text_region; video_format_t fmt; VLC_UNUSED( i_len ); /* Create a new subpicture region */ memset( &fmt, 0, sizeof(video_format_t) ); fmt.i_chroma = VLC_CODEC_TEXT; fmt.i_width = fmt.i_height = 0; fmt.i_x_offset = fmt.i_y_offset = 0; p_text_region = subpicture_region_New( &fmt ); if( p_text_region != NULL ) { ssa_style_t *p_ssa_style = NULL; p_ssa_style = ParseStyle( p_sys, psz_subtitle ); if( !p_ssa_style ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_ssa_styles; i++ ) { if( !strcasecmp( p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i]->psz_stylename, "Default" ) ) p_ssa_style = p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i]; } } if( p_ssa_style ) { msg_Dbg( p_dec, "style is: %s", p_ssa_style->psz_stylename ); p_text_region->i_align = p_ssa_style->i_align; /* TODO: Setup % based offsets properly, without adversely affecting * everything else in vlc. Will address with separate patch, * to prevent this one being any more complicated. * p_ssa_style->i_margin_percent_h; * p_ssa_style->i_margin_percent_v; */ p_text_region->i_x = p_ssa_style->i_margin_h; p_text_region->i_y = p_ssa_style->i_margin_v; p_text_region->p_text = text_segment_NewInheritStyle( p_ssa_style->p_style ); } else { p_text_region->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM | i_sys_align; p_text_region->i_x = i_sys_align ? 20 : 0; p_text_region->i_y = 10; p_text_region->p_text = text_segment_New( NULL ); } /* Look for position arguments which may override the style-based * defaults. */ SetupPositions( p_text_region, psz_subtitle ); p_text_region->p_next = NULL; } return p_text_region; } static int ParseImageAttachments( decoder_t *p_dec ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; input_attachment_t **pp_attachments; int i_attachments_cnt; int k = 0; if( VLC_SUCCESS != decoder_GetInputAttachments( p_dec, &pp_attachments, &i_attachments_cnt )) return VLC_EGENERIC; for( k = 0; k < i_attachments_cnt; k++ ) { input_attachment_t *p_attach = pp_attachments[k]; vlc_fourcc_t type = image_Mime2Fourcc( p_attach->psz_mime ); if( ( type != 0 ) && ( p_attach->i_data > 0 ) && ( p_attach->p_data != NULL ) ) { picture_t *p_pic = NULL; image_handler_t *p_image; p_image = image_HandlerCreate( p_dec ); if( p_image != NULL ) { block_t *p_block; p_block = block_Alloc( p_attach->i_data ); if( p_block != NULL ) { video_format_t fmt_in; video_format_t fmt_out; memcpy( p_block->p_buffer, p_attach->p_data, p_attach->i_data ); memset( &fmt_in, 0, sizeof( video_format_t)); memset( &fmt_out, 0, sizeof( video_format_t)); fmt_in.i_chroma = type; fmt_out.i_chroma = VLC_CODEC_YUVA; /* Find a suitable decoder module */ if( module_exists( "sdl_image" ) ) { /* ffmpeg thinks it can handle bmp properly but it can't (at least * not all of them), so use sdl_image if it is available */ var_Create( p_dec, "codec", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT ); var_SetString( p_dec, "codec", "sdl_image" ); } p_pic = image_Read( p_image, p_block, &fmt_in, &fmt_out ); var_Destroy( p_dec, "codec" ); } image_HandlerDelete( p_image ); } if( p_pic ) { image_attach_t *p_picture = malloc( sizeof(image_attach_t) ); if( p_picture ) { p_picture->psz_filename = strdup( p_attach->psz_name ); p_picture->p_pic = p_pic; TAB_APPEND( p_sys->i_images, p_sys->pp_images, p_picture ); } } } vlc_input_attachment_Delete( pp_attachments[ k ] ); } free( pp_attachments ); return VLC_SUCCESS; } static void ParseUSFHeaderTags( decoder_t *p_dec, xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; const char *node; ssa_style_t *p_ssa_style = NULL; int i_style_level = 0; int i_metadata_level = 0; int type; while( (type = xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &node )) > 0 ) { switch( type ) { case XML_READER_ENDELEM: switch (i_style_level) { case 0: if( !strcasecmp( "metadata", node ) && (i_metadata_level == 1) ) i_metadata_level--; break; case 1: if( !strcasecmp( "styles", node ) ) i_style_level--; break; case 2: if( !strcasecmp( "style", node ) ) { TAB_APPEND( p_sys->i_ssa_styles, p_sys->pp_ssa_styles, p_ssa_style ); p_ssa_style = NULL; i_style_level--; } break; } break; case XML_READER_STARTELEM: if( !strcasecmp( "metadata", node ) && (i_style_level == 0) ) i_metadata_level++; else if( !strcasecmp( "resolution", node ) && ( i_metadata_level == 1) ) { const char *attr, *val; while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &val )) ) { if( !strcasecmp( "x", attr ) ) p_sys->i_original_width = atoi( val ); else if( !strcasecmp( "y", attr ) ) p_sys->i_original_height = atoi( val ); } } else if( !strcasecmp( "styles", node ) && (i_style_level == 0) ) { i_style_level++; } else if( !strcasecmp( "style", node ) && (i_style_level == 1) ) { i_style_level++; p_ssa_style = calloc( 1, sizeof(ssa_style_t) ); if( unlikely(!p_ssa_style) ) return; p_ssa_style->p_style = text_style_Create( STYLE_NO_DEFAULTS ); if( unlikely(!p_ssa_style->p_style) ) { free(p_ssa_style); return; } /* All styles are supposed to default to Default, and then * one or more settings are over-ridden. * At the moment this only effects styles defined AFTER * Default in the XML */ for( int i = 0; i < p_sys->i_ssa_styles; i++ ) { if( !strcasecmp( p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i]->psz_stylename, "Default" ) ) { ssa_style_t *p_default_style = p_sys->pp_ssa_styles[i]; memcpy( p_ssa_style, p_default_style, sizeof( ssa_style_t ) ); //FIXME: Make font_style a pointer. Actually we double copy some data here, // we use text_style_Copy to avoid copying psz_fontname, though . text_style_Copy( p_ssa_style->p_style, p_default_style->p_style ); p_ssa_style->psz_stylename = NULL; } } const char *attr, *val; while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &val )) ) { if( !strcasecmp( "name", attr ) ) { free( p_ssa_style->psz_stylename ); p_ssa_style->psz_stylename = strdup( val ); } } } else if( !strcasecmp( "fontstyle", node ) && (i_style_level == 2) ) { const char *attr, *val; while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &val )) ) { if( !strcasecmp( "face", attr ) ) { free( p_ssa_style->p_style->psz_fontname ); p_ssa_style->p_style->psz_fontname = strdup( val ); } else if( !strcasecmp( "size", attr ) ) { if( ( *val == '+' ) || ( *val == '-' ) ) { int i_value = atoi( val ); if( ( i_value >= -5 ) && ( i_value <= 5 ) ) p_ssa_style->p_style->i_font_size += ( i_value * p_ssa_style->p_style->i_font_size ) / 10; else if( i_value < -5 ) p_ssa_style->p_style->i_font_size = - i_value; else if( i_value > 5 ) p_ssa_style->p_style->i_font_size = i_value; } else p_ssa_style->p_style->i_font_size = atoi( val ); } else if( !strcasecmp( "italic", attr ) ) { if( !strcasecmp( "yes", val )) p_ssa_style->p_style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_ITALIC; else p_ssa_style->p_style->i_style_flags &= ~STYLE_ITALIC; p_ssa_style->p_style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS; } else if( !strcasecmp( "weight", attr ) ) { if( !strcasecmp( "bold", val )) p_ssa_style->p_style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_BOLD; else p_ssa_style->p_style->i_style_flags &= ~STYLE_BOLD; p_ssa_style->p_style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS; } else if( !strcasecmp( "underline", attr ) ) { if( !strcasecmp( "yes", val )) p_ssa_style->p_style->i_style_flags |= STYLE_UNDERLINE; else p_ssa_style->p_style->i_style_flags &= ~STYLE_UNDERLINE; p_ssa_style->p_style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FLAGS; } else if( !strcasecmp( "color", attr ) ) { if( *val == '#' ) { unsigned long col = strtol(val+1, NULL, 16); p_ssa_style->p_style->i_font_color = (col & 0x00ffffff); p_ssa_style->p_style->i_font_alpha = (col >> 24) & 0xff; p_ssa_style->p_style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_FONT_COLOR | STYLE_HAS_FONT_ALPHA; } } else if( !strcasecmp( "outline-color", attr ) ) { if( *val == '#' ) { unsigned long col = strtol(val+1, NULL, 16); p_ssa_style->p_style->i_outline_color = (col & 0x00ffffff); p_ssa_style->p_style->i_outline_alpha = (col >> 24) & 0xff; p_ssa_style->p_style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_OUTLINE_COLOR | STYLE_HAS_OUTLINE_ALPHA; } } else if( !strcasecmp( "outline-level", attr ) ) { p_ssa_style->p_style->i_outline_width = atoi( val ); } else if( !strcasecmp( "shadow-color", attr ) ) { if( *val == '#' ) { unsigned long col = strtol(val+1, NULL, 16); p_ssa_style->p_style->i_shadow_color = (col & 0x00ffffff); p_ssa_style->p_style->i_shadow_alpha = (col >> 24) & 0xff; p_ssa_style->p_style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_SHADOW_COLOR | STYLE_HAS_SHADOW_ALPHA; } } else if( !strcasecmp( "shadow-level", attr ) ) { p_ssa_style->p_style->i_shadow_width = atoi( val ); } else if( !strcasecmp( "back-color", attr ) ) { if( *val == '#' ) { unsigned long col = strtol(val+1, NULL, 16); p_ssa_style->p_style->i_karaoke_background_color = (col & 0x00ffffff); p_ssa_style->p_style->i_karaoke_background_alpha = (col >> 24) & 0xff; p_ssa_style->p_style->i_features |= STYLE_HAS_K_BACKGROUND_COLOR | STYLE_HAS_K_BACKGROUND_ALPHA; } } else if( !strcasecmp( "spacing", attr ) ) { p_ssa_style->p_style->i_spacing = atoi( val ); } } } else if( !strcasecmp( "position", node ) && (i_style_level == 2) ) { const char *attr, *val; while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &val )) ) { if( !strcasecmp( "alignment", attr ) ) { if( !strcasecmp( "TopLeft", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_LEFT; else if( !strcasecmp( "TopCenter", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP; else if( !strcasecmp( "TopRight", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_RIGHT; else if( !strcasecmp( "MiddleLeft", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_LEFT; else if( !strcasecmp( "MiddleCenter", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = 0; else if( !strcasecmp( "MiddleRight", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_RIGHT; else if( !strcasecmp( "BottomLeft", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_LEFT; else if( !strcasecmp( "BottomCenter", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM; else if( !strcasecmp( "BottomRight", val ) ) p_ssa_style->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM | SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_RIGHT; } else if( !strcasecmp( "horizontal-margin", attr ) ) { if( strchr( val, '%' ) ) { p_ssa_style->i_margin_h = 0; p_ssa_style->i_margin_percent_h = atoi( val ); } else { p_ssa_style->i_margin_h = atoi( val ); p_ssa_style->i_margin_percent_h = 0; } } else if( !strcasecmp( "vertical-margin", attr ) ) { if( strchr( val, '%' ) ) { p_ssa_style->i_margin_v = 0; p_ssa_style->i_margin_percent_v = atoi( val ); } else { p_ssa_style->i_margin_v = atoi( val ); p_ssa_style->i_margin_percent_v = 0; } } } } break; } } free( p_ssa_style ); } /** * Create a region with a white transparent picture. */ static subpicture_region_t *newPaintRegion(int x, int y, int width, int height) { video_palette_t palette = { .i_entries = 2, .palette = { [0] = { 0xff, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 }, [1] = { 0xff, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff }, }, }; video_format_t fmt; video_format_Init(&fmt, VLC_CODEC_YUVP); fmt.i_width = fmt.i_visible_width = width; fmt.i_height = fmt.i_visible_height = height; fmt.i_sar_num = 1; fmt.i_sar_den = 1; fmt.p_palette = &palette; subpicture_region_t *r = subpicture_region_New(&fmt); if (!r) return NULL; r->i_x = x; r->i_y = y; memset(r->p_picture->p->p_pixels, 0, r->p_picture->p->i_pitch * height); return r; } /** * Draw a rectangle into a paint region */ static void DrawRect(subpicture_region_t *r, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { uint8_t *p = r->p_picture->p->p_pixels; int pitch = r->p_picture->p->i_pitch; for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { p[x1 + pitch * y] = 1; p[x2 + pitch * y] = 1; } for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) { p[x + pitch * y1] = 1; p[x + pitch * y2] = 1; } } struct polydata { int x; int y; struct polydata *next; }; typedef struct polydata polydata; // FIXME[question]: is this from us? - not used! /* static int sign(int x) { return (x > 0) - (x < 0); } */ static void DrawPoly(subpicture_region_t *r, polydata *root) { uint8_t *pY = r->p_picture->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels; int pitchY = r->p_picture->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch; polydata *curr = root; do { // if end of list, set next to root for closed polygon polydata *next = curr->next == NULL ? root : curr->next; int x0 = curr->x; int y0 = curr->y; int x1 = next->x; int y1 = next->y; // bresenham's line algorithm // from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm#C int dx = abs(x1-x0), sx = x0dy ? dx : -dy)/2, e2; for(;;){ pY[x0 + pitchY * y0] = 1; if (x0==x1 && y0==y1) break; e2 = err; if (e2 >-dx) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < dy) { err += dx; y0 += sy; } } } while((curr = curr->next) != NULL); } static void DrawCircle(subpicture_region_t *r, int x0, int y0, int diameter) { uint8_t *pY = r->p_picture->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels; int pitchY = r->p_picture->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch; // bresenham's circle algorithm // slightly optimized from https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham-Algorithmus#Kreisvariante_des_Algorithmus int x = diameter/2; int y = 0; int err = x; while(y <= x) { pY[(x0 + x) + pitchY * (y0 + y)] = 1; pY[(x0 - x) + pitchY * (y0 + y)] = 1; pY[(x0 + x) + pitchY * (y0 - y)] = 1; pY[(x0 - x) + pitchY * (y0 - y)] = 1; pY[(x0 + y) + pitchY * (y0 + x)] = 1; pY[(x0 - y) + pitchY * (y0 + x)] = 1; pY[(x0 + y) + pitchY * (y0 - x)] = 1; pY[(x0 - y) + pitchY * (y0 - x)] = 1; err -= 2*y; err++; y++; if(err < 0) { err--; err += 2*x; x--; } } } static subpicture_region_t *ParseUSFString( decoder_t *p_dec, char *psz_subtitle ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; subpicture_region_t *p_region_first = NULL; subpicture_region_t *p_region_upto = p_region_first; while( *psz_subtitle ) { // ensure that all elements in subtitle are processed while ( *psz_subtitle == '<') { char *psz_end = NULL; if(( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "", 9 ))) { if ((psz_end = strstr (psz_subtitle,"")) != NULL) { subpicture_region_t *p_text_region; p_text_region = CreateTextRegion( p_dec, psz_subtitle, psz_end - psz_subtitle, p_sys->i_align ); if( !p_region_first ) { p_region_first = p_region_upto = p_text_region; } else if( p_text_region ) { p_region_upto->p_next = p_text_region; p_region_upto = p_region_upto->p_next; } } } else if(( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "", 7 ))) { subpicture_region_t *p_image_region = NULL; psz_end = strstr (psz_subtitle,""); char *psz_content = strchr( psz_subtitle, '>' ); int i_transparent = -1; /* If a colorkey parameter is specified, then we have to map * that index in the picture through as transparent (it is * required by the USF spec but is also recommended that if the * creator really wants a transparent colour that they use a * type like PNG that properly supports it; this goes doubly * for VLC because the pictures are stored internally in YUV * and the resulting colour-matching may not produce the * desired results.) */ char *psz_tmp = GrabAttributeValue( "colorkey", psz_subtitle ); if( psz_tmp ) { if( *psz_tmp == '#' ) i_transparent = strtol( psz_tmp + 1, NULL, 16 ) & 0x00ffffff; free( psz_tmp ); } if( psz_content && ( psz_content < psz_end ) ) { char *psz_filename = strndup( &psz_content[1], psz_end - &psz_content[1] ); if( psz_filename ) { p_image_region = LoadEmbeddedImage( p_dec, psz_filename, i_transparent ); free( psz_filename ); } } if( p_image_region ) { SetupPositions( p_image_region, psz_subtitle ); p_image_region->p_next = NULL; } if( !p_region_first ) { p_region_first = p_region_upto = p_image_region; } else if( p_image_region ) { p_region_upto->p_next = p_image_region; p_region_upto = p_region_upto->p_next; } } //start parsing the polygons else if(( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "", 9 ))) { // get the end of the current polygon psz_end = strstr (psz_subtitle,""); // initialize stuff polydata *p_root = NULL; polydata **pp_next = &p_root; // starting position of next point char *psz_point_start, *psz_point_end = NULL; // check if next point is found and in current polygon for ( psz_point_start = strstr(psz_subtitle, "x = (int)(strtol(psz_point_x, NULL, 10)); (*pp_next)->y = (int)(strtol(psz_point_y, NULL, 10)); pp_next = &((*pp_next)->next); } else { pp_next = NULL; } if (psz_point_x) free(psz_point_x); if (psz_point_y) free(psz_point_y); // get end of point and continue the search from there on psz_point_end = strstr(psz_point_start, "/>") + 2; } if ( pp_next ) { // create and draw picture region subpicture_region_t *p_paint_region; int video_width = p_sys->i_original_width; int video_height = p_sys->i_original_height; p_paint_region = newPaintRegion(0,0,video_width + 1,video_height + 1); DrawPoly(p_paint_region, p_root); // save picture region in list if( !p_region_first ) { p_region_first = p_region_upto = p_paint_region; } else if( p_paint_region ) { p_region_upto->p_next = p_paint_region; p_region_upto = p_region_upto->p_next; } } // free linked list while( p_root ) { polydata *p_tmp = p_root; p_root = p_root->next; free(p_tmp); } } //start parsing the rectangles else if ( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, ""); // read attributes of rectangle char *psz_rec_x = GrabAttributeValue("posx", psz_subtitle); char *psz_rec_y = GrabAttributeValue("posy", psz_subtitle); char *psz_rec_width = GrabAttributeValue("width", psz_subtitle); char *psz_rec_height = GrabAttributeValue("height", psz_subtitle); if ( psz_rec_x && psz_rec_y && psz_rec_width && psz_rec_height ) { // create and draw picture region subpicture_region_t *p_paint_region; int video_width = p_sys->i_original_width; int video_height = p_sys->i_original_height; p_paint_region = newPaintRegion(0,0,video_width + 1,video_height + 1); // convert to int int x = (int)(strtol(psz_rec_x, NULL, 10)); int y = (int)(strtol(psz_rec_y, NULL, 10)); int w = (int)(strtol(psz_rec_width, NULL, 10)); int h = (int)(strtol(psz_rec_height, NULL, 10)); DrawRect(p_paint_region,x,y,x+w,y+h); // save picture region in list if( !p_region_first ) { p_region_first = p_region_upto = p_paint_region; } else if( p_paint_region ) { p_region_upto->p_next = p_paint_region; p_region_upto = p_region_upto->p_next; } } if (psz_rec_x) free(psz_rec_x); if (psz_rec_y) free(psz_rec_y); if (psz_rec_width) free(psz_rec_width); if (psz_rec_height) free(psz_rec_height); } // start parsing the points else if ( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, ""); // read attributes of point char *psz_point_x = GrabAttributeValue("posx", psz_subtitle); char *psz_point_y = GrabAttributeValue("posy", psz_subtitle); char *psz_point_d = GrabAttributeValue("diameter", psz_subtitle); if ( psz_point_x && psz_point_y && psz_point_d ) { // create and draw picture region subpicture_region_t *p_paint_region; int video_width = p_sys->i_original_width; int video_height = p_sys->i_original_height; p_paint_region = newPaintRegion(0,0,video_width + 1,video_height + 1); // convert to int int x = (int)(strtol(psz_point_x, NULL, 10)); int y = (int)(strtol(psz_point_y, NULL, 10)); int d = (int)(strtol(psz_point_d, NULL, 10)); DrawCircle(p_paint_region,x,y,d); // save picture region in list if( !p_region_first ) { p_region_first = p_region_upto = p_paint_region; } else if( p_paint_region ) { p_region_upto->p_next = p_paint_region; p_region_upto = p_region_upto->p_next; } } if (psz_point_x) free(psz_point_x); if (psz_point_y) free(psz_point_y); if (psz_point_d) free(psz_point_d); } else if(( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "", 6 ))) { subpicture_region_t *p_text_region; psz_end = strstr (psz_subtitle,""); p_text_region = CreateTextRegion( p_dec, psz_subtitle, psz_end - psz_subtitle, p_sys->i_align ); if( p_text_region ) { free( p_text_region->p_text->psz_text ); p_text_region->p_text->psz_text = CreatePlainText( psz_subtitle ); } if( !p_region_first ) { p_region_first = p_region_upto = p_text_region; } else if( p_text_region ) { p_region_upto->p_next = p_text_region; p_region_upto = p_region_upto->p_next; } } else { msg_Warn( p_dec, "Unknown subtitle line: %s", psz_subtitle ); psz_subtitle ++; } if ( psz_end ) { psz_subtitle = psz_end + strcspn( psz_end, ">" )+1; } if ((unsigned)strlen(psz_subtitle)<=10) { break; } } if (*psz_subtitle) psz_subtitle++; } return p_region_first; } /***************************************************************************** * ParseUSFHeader: Retrieve global formatting information etc *****************************************************************************/ static void ParseUSFHeader( decoder_t *p_dec ) { stream_t *p_sub = NULL; xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader = NULL; p_sub = stream_MemoryNew( VLC_OBJECT(p_dec), p_dec->fmt_in.p_extra, p_dec->fmt_in.i_extra, true ); if( !p_sub ) return; p_xml_reader = xml_ReaderCreate( p_dec, p_sub ); if( likely(p_xml_reader) ) { const char *node; /* Look for Root Node */ if( xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &node ) == XML_READER_STARTELEM && !strcasecmp( "usfsubtitles", node ) ) ParseUSFHeaderTags( p_dec, p_xml_reader ); xml_ReaderDelete( p_xml_reader ); } stream_Delete( p_sub ); } /* Function now handles tags which has attribute values, and tries * to deal with &' commands too. It no longer modifies the string * in place, so that the original text can be reused */ static char *StripTags( char *psz_subtitle ) { char *psz_text_start; char *psz_text; psz_text = psz_text_start = malloc( strlen( psz_subtitle ) + 1 ); if( !psz_text_start ) return NULL; while( *psz_subtitle ) { /* Mask out any pre-existing LFs in the subtitle */ if( *psz_subtitle == '\n' ) *psz_subtitle = ' '; if( *psz_subtitle == '<' ) { if( strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "
", 5 ) == 0 ) *psz_text++ = '\n'; psz_subtitle += strcspn( psz_subtitle, ">" ); } else if( *psz_subtitle == '&' ) { if( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "<", 4 )) { *psz_text++ = '<'; psz_subtitle += strcspn( psz_subtitle, ";" ); } else if( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, ">", 4 )) { *psz_text++ = '>'; psz_subtitle += strcspn( psz_subtitle, ";" ); } else if( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, "&", 5 )) { *psz_text++ = '&'; psz_subtitle += strcspn( psz_subtitle, ";" ); } else if( !strncasecmp( psz_subtitle, """, 6 )) { *psz_text++ = '\"'; psz_subtitle += strcspn( psz_subtitle, ";" ); } else { /* Assume it is just a normal ampersand */ *psz_text++ = '&'; } } else { *psz_text++ = *psz_subtitle; } /* Security fix: Account for the case where input ends early */ if( *psz_subtitle == '\0' ) break; psz_subtitle++; } *psz_text++ = '\0'; char *psz = realloc( psz_text_start, psz_text - psz_text_start ); return likely(psz != NULL) ? psz : psz_text_start; } /* Turn a HTML subtitle, turn into a plain-text version, * complete with sensible whitespace compaction */ // FIXME[question]: ist this from us (actually not used!)? /* static char *CreateSVGText( char *psz_subtitle ) { char *psz_text; psz_text = malloc( strlen( psz_subtitle ) + 1 ); if(!psz_text) return NULL; strcpy(psz_text,psz_subtitle); return psz_text; } */ static char *CreatePlainText( char *psz_subtitle ) { char *psz_text = StripTags( psz_subtitle ); char *s; if( !psz_text ) return NULL; s = strpbrk( psz_text, "\t\r\n " ); while( s ) { int k; char spc = ' '; int i_whitespace = strspn( s, "\t\r\n " ); /* Favour '\n' over other whitespaces - if one of these * occurs in the whitespace use a '\n' as our value, * otherwise just use a ' ' */ for( k = 0; k < i_whitespace; k++ ) if( s[k] == '\n' ) spc = '\n'; if( i_whitespace > 1 ) { memmove( &s[1], &s[i_whitespace], strlen( s ) - i_whitespace + 1 ); } *s++ = spc; s = strpbrk( s, "\t\r\n " ); } return psz_text; } /**************************************************************************** * download and resize image located at psz_url ***************************************************************************/ static subpicture_region_t *LoadEmbeddedImage( decoder_t *p_dec, const char *psz_filename, int i_transparent_color ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; subpicture_region_t *p_region; video_format_t fmt_out; picture_t *p_pic = NULL; for( int k = 0; k < p_sys->i_images; k++ ) { if( p_sys->pp_images && !strcmp( p_sys->pp_images[k]->psz_filename, psz_filename ) ) { p_pic = p_sys->pp_images[k]->p_pic; break; } } if( !p_pic ) { msg_Err( p_dec, "Unable to read image %s", psz_filename ); return NULL; } /* Display the feed's image */ memset( &fmt_out, 0, sizeof( video_format_t)); fmt_out.i_chroma = VLC_CODEC_YUVA; fmt_out.i_sar_num = fmt_out.i_sar_den = 1; fmt_out.i_width = fmt_out.i_visible_width = p_pic->format.i_visible_width; fmt_out.i_height = fmt_out.i_visible_height = p_pic->format.i_visible_height; p_region = subpicture_region_New( &fmt_out ); if( !p_region ) { msg_Err( p_dec, "cannot allocate SPU region" ); return NULL; } assert( p_pic->format.i_chroma == VLC_CODEC_YUVA ); /* FIXME the copy is probably not needed anymore */ picture_CopyPixels( p_region->p_picture, p_pic ); /* This isn't the best way to do this - if you really want transparency, then * you're much better off using an image type that supports it like PNG. The * spec requires this support though. */ if( i_transparent_color > 0 ) { int i_r = ( i_transparent_color >> 16 ) & 0xff; int i_g = ( i_transparent_color >> 8 ) & 0xff; int i_b = ( i_transparent_color ) & 0xff; /* FIXME it cannot work as the yuv conversion code will probably NOT match * this one */ int i_y = ( ( ( 66 * i_r + 129 * i_g + 25 * i_b + 128 ) >> 8 ) + 16 ); int i_u = ( ( -38 * i_r - 74 * i_g + 112 * i_b + 128 ) >> 8 ) + 128 ; int i_v = ( ( 112 * i_r - 94 * i_g - 18 * i_b + 128 ) >> 8 ) + 128 ; assert( p_region->fmt.i_chroma == VLC_CODEC_YUVA ); for( unsigned int y = 0; y < p_region->fmt.i_height; y++ ) { for( unsigned int x = 0; x < p_region->fmt.i_width; x++ ) { if( p_region->p_picture->Y_PIXELS[y*p_region->p_picture->Y_PITCH + x] != i_y || p_region->p_picture->U_PIXELS[y*p_region->p_picture->U_PITCH + x] != i_u || p_region->p_picture->V_PIXELS[y*p_region->p_picture->V_PITCH + x] != i_v ) continue; p_region->p_picture->A_PIXELS[y*p_region->p_picture->A_PITCH + x] = 0; } } } return p_region; }