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Bachelor’s program in Cognitive Science (PO2024, current) - FAQ
How to use HisInOne/EXA
For each course, a registration for the respective examination is required in HisInOne/EXA to receive a course certificate. This includes not only lectures with a written exam, but also other courses such as seminars in which the coursework consists of some practical project with a written report or essay.
Further information, such as introductory videos and FAQs (German only), about using the HisInOne/EXA system can be found on the pages of the Campus management service.
How to get a Transcript of Records (ToR)
You can get your ToR via the CAMPUS service:
1. Log into myuos as usual and select the "Studienservice" menu option, then select "Bescheinigungen".
2. You should now see the page where you also have access to your matriculation certificates, etc.
3. Scrolling down a bit, beneath "Meine Studiengänge", you can find PDF files named "Leistungsübersicht" in a German and an English version. These are your transcripts!
Note: The download may not appear if some of your grades have not yet been entered in the HisInOne/EXA system. Once your lecturers have entered your grades or the examinations office has completed the transfer from exams previously entered in Opium, the download option should appear.
Important: The ToR downloaded from HisInOne/EXA is only valid after it has been signed and stamped with the official seal of Osnabrück University. For validation, please bring our ToR to the examination office.
Note: Information on how to calculate a preliminary average grade, which is relevant e.g. for applications to the Master's program, will be added here shortly.
How to receive test subject hours ("VP hours")
During the Bachelors’ programme, you need to collect 10 test subject hours by contributing to research projects as a test subject. Offerings are usually announced via the student mailing lists of the IKW (see "Contact").
For each contribution as a subject to a research project, please fill in one line the form (Link) and let the person responsible for the research project sign the corresponding line. The completed list of subject hours has to be handed in at the examination office when you register your Bachelors’ thesis.
Researchers should inform the examination office about experiments with test subject hours by email and let them know how many test subject hours are planned per subject and who is going to sign the line in the form above. Researchers may also send out a request for test subjects via the CogSci student mailing lists.
Mandatory semester abroad
The mandatory semester abroad is usually scheduled for the 5th semester. You can either study at a foreign university or do an internship at a foreign institution. Your stay abroad should be registered early with Petra Dießel or Sven Walter.
More information about the organisation of your stay abroad can be found at the web page of the mobility office at the IKW (for the ERASMUS program) and the web page of Osnabrück University (for general information about studying abroad).
Important: You have to fill in the document "Erhebungsbogen" after you return from your semester abroad! The document has to be submitted to the examinations office when you register your bachelor thesis.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, students who complete their studies until the winter semester 2024/25 can get an exemption for the mandatory semester abroad.
How to get approval of foreign university credits (e.g., from your semester abroad)
Before your semester abroad
Please clarify with the person responsible for the relevant compulsory ("Pflichtmodul") or optional compulsory module(s) ("Wahlpflichtmodul") whether the courses you are planning to take can be approved for the respective module of your course of studies.
Important: In order to be able to make an informed decision, please provide detailed information about the contents and requirements of the course.
Mathematics | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kunis |
Artificial Intelligence | Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger |
Philosophy for Cognitive Science | PD Dr. Uwe Meyer |
Neuroscience | Prof. Dr. med. Peter König |
(Computational) Linguistics | Prof. Dr. Elia Bruni |
Neuroinformatics | Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa |
Computer Science | Dr. Friedrich Bökler |
Cognitive (Neuro-)Psychology | |
Methods of Cognitive Science |
After your semester abroad
In order to get approval of foreign university credits, you have to:
- Print and fill in the following document for each certificate that should be approved:
(DE) Antrag auf Anerkennung einer auswärtigen Studienleistung im Studiengang Kognitionswissenschaft
(EN) Application for approval of external credits for Cognitive Science - For the approval of foreign credits for the compulsory and optional compulsory modules, please reach out to the person responsible for the corresponding module (see list above) for approval. Provide the filled-in form, your course certificate or foreign Transcript of Records, as well as detailed information about the contents and requirements of the course in question.
- Visit the examination office with the filled-in and approved form, course certificate or foreign Transcript of Records, and detailed course information. For the elective module ("profilbildender Wahlbereich"), the documents can be handed in directly at the examinations office without prior approval.
How to get approval for online courses
In order to get credit points for online courses, proceed analogously to the procedure of approval for foreign university credits (see above).
Note: Non-credit online courses offered by third party web sites usually cannot be approved.
How to get approval of foreign internship credits
Credits for the elective module ("profilbildender Wahlbereich") may be approved for internships completed in foreign countries during your course of studies.
Please request a confirmation of your internship from your internship supervisor. The confirmation has to include the following information:
- Duration of your internship (at least 3 full calendar months)
- Number of weekly working hours
- Task description
Hand in the documents at the examination office for approval. Up to six credits may be approved for each month with a minimum of 30 working hours per week.
How to register and hand in your bachelor thesis
Before registering your thesis, all mandatory courses and at least 40 ECTS of mandatory electives need to be passed. Once you have decided what courses you chose for your mandatory elective module, you are eligible to register your bachelor thesis. Download and fill in the relevant forms of "Antrag auf Zuordnung der Leistungsnachweise". For correct assignment of courses to the modules, please consult the course list on the IKW web page.
Important: Once courses have been assigned, no further changes to that assignment can be made. Without registering your thesis before writing it, you cannot hand it in. You cannot hand in your thesis more than three weeks before the official deadline. Well justified exceptions need to be approved by the examination board.
Before registering your thesis at the examination office, you need two examiners, the first of which is your main supervisor, and a research topic for your thesis. Please ask your prospective examiners about potential topics in their research area, or provide them with your own suggestions.
Note: At least one of the examiners has to be from Osnabrück University. Furthermore, at least one of the examiners has to be a professor or a senior researcher with what is called "Habilitation" in German. Master students of Cognitive Science can NOT be examiners of the Bachelor's thesis!
At the IKW, the following people have that status (You may also have an external examiner with such status instead):
- Professors (in alphabetical order): Elia Bruni, Nicole Gotzner, Tim Kietzmann, Peter König, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Rainer Mühlhoff, Sebastian Musslick, Pascal Nieters, Simone Pika, Gordon Pipa, Sven Walter
- Senior researchers with "Habilitation" (in alphabetical order): Annette Hohenberger, Uwe Meyer
In case neither of your prospective examiners satisfies this requirement, the examination board has to decide whether an exception can be made for the case at hand. Please contact the examination office and provide detailed information about your prospective examiners and your project so that the examination board can make an informed decision.
Once you have your topic and examiners, please proceed as follows:
1. Fill in the following form: Anmeldung Bachelorarbeit
2. The last page of the form needs to be signed by both examiners.
3. Bring the filled-in form to the examination office together with all documents listed on the checklist (first page of the document above):
• an up-to-date transcript of records and the corresponding certificates (originals and copies). If your courses are all listed in HisInOne/EXA, you do not need to bring the certificates.
• verification for your semester abroad ("Erhebungsbogen")
• proof of 10 experimental subject hours. The form for collecting the experimental subject hours can be found here.
• The declaration that you have not yet finally failed a bachelor examination in Cognitive Science (third page of the form above)
• The approval to examine the thesis, signed by both examiners (last page of the form above).
In addition, please bring the following documents:
- a matriculation certificate for the current semester as well as the semester in which the thesis will be handed in. If you do not have the certificate for the semester in which the thesis will be handed in yet, you can bring it once you have it.
Important: The time between registering your thesis and handing it in is three months. Once your documents have been processed, you will be notified about the exact deadline for handing in your thesis by the examination office.
The standard time frame for the thesis is 3 months. In well-justified cases, an extension is possible, but needs to be applied for and approved by the examination committee. To request an extension, please contact the examination office before the deadline and hand in the relevant documents.
Depending on the reason for the application for an extension, different documents are required. In the case of illness, for example, a corresponding certificate from your physician or psychologist s required. For requests due to technical difficulties, a letter from your advisor stating the difficulty and its influence on the timeline of the project is required. If you are unsure what documents you need to hand in, you can contact the examination office.
When the examination committee has made a decision, the examination office will inform you about the status of your request for extension.
Handing in your bachelor thesis
After you have completed your thesis (timeframe between registration of the thesis and handing it in: 3 months), you can hand it in.
Please ask your examiners/supervisors beforehand whether they would like to receive printed and bound copies of your thesis, or whether they would like to receive an electronic version instead. In addition to the copies for the supervisors, one printed and bound copy has to be handed in at the examination office. There is no need to add a USB-stick with your code for the examination office, providing a compressed file of your code when you hand in the electronic version of your thesis is sufficient.
Important: Each of the bound copies has to include a signed declaration of authorship. Please read the Guide to the responsible use of AI tools, and make sure to state explicitly which AI tools, if any, have been used for what purpose.
Bring the bound copies to the examination office, and send an electronic version of the thesis by email.
If you have not yet handed in the matriculation certificate of the current semester, bring that too.
The suggested time frame for the examiners to write their reports is four weeks.
How to get various statements and confirmations needed for external applications
When finishing your studies, you will need certain confirmations and statements for your applications to subsequent universities. Possible standard confirmations are: confirmation of (ECTS) credits, preliminary average grade and preliminary bachelor’s certificate.
How to get a preliminary bachelor’s certificate
For applications to consecutive courses of study (master programmes), you may may be required to hand in a bachelor's certificate before your final bachelor's certificate is ready. In this case, you may request a preliminary bachelor's certificate if the following requirements hold:
- You have finished your coursework, elective module ("Profilbildender Wahlbereich")
- You have registered and handed in your bachelor’s thesis
- Both supervisors have confirmed to the examination office that you will pass the thesis with at least 4.0 (sufficient)
How to get approval of BAföG Form 5 after the 4th Semester
Students receiving BaföG need to have collected at least 90 credits by the end of the 4th semester. In order to receive confirmation, please fill in form 5 and hand it in at the examination office, along with the respective course certificates and Opium printout (if applicable: students who have all their grades listed in HisInOne/Exa do not need to bring any additional certificates) totalling at least 90 credits.
Form 5 can be downloaded from: